welcome to loner guy publishing, a place for young adult fiction. check out our new dark fantasy series, the strangers with us.

we strive to give you unique storytelling and unique characters. Please enjoy our content and stay tuned for much more to come and remember, "sometimes you need to just get alone and read!"

welcome to loner guy publishing, a place for young adult fiction. check out our new dark fantasy series, the strangers with us. we strive to give you unique storytelling and unique characters. Please enjoy our content and stay tuned for much more to come and remember, "sometimes you need to just get alone and read!"

coming february 2025


The Strangers with Us Series is in a universe where politics, religion, and deception are all synonymous. The first installment of the series, “A Slow Dance from Afar,” revolves around 17-year-old Maxwell Hartwrong, and 18-year-old Sarah Dwindleman. They were once inseparable childhood companions, but now are in two different parts of the country, battling the same struggles of finding their identity while coexisting among uninviting and unwelcoming church members. Amid their unusual human drama, a dark force is in the middle of a war against humanity, in which some people are recruited for its’ purpose, and some are killed if conversion to its’ cause is resisted. A group called the Strangers, may be the only hope to destroy the force. However, while the Strangers’ identities are at times, unknown to themselves and to others, the dark force is well aware of who they are. Where will Max and Sarah fit in this war? Will they overcome the challenges of their new environments? Will they ever cross paths with each other again, and if they do, will they ever solidify their bond of love through marriage? More importantly, above all questions, who are these Strangers?

Protagonist #1: Maxwell Hartwrong and his lamb Snorkel. Snorkel? Don’t ask, you will find out soon enough. Aside from the mysterious black lamb which seems to be the only thing to put a smile on his face, Maxwell Hartwrong’s journal that he carries around is his other source of happiness. It makes him happy to vent to the blank pages without being criticized or judged for his thoughts. Maxwell is a loner, living in a world where he can never truly be alone. The one thing that actually kept him grounded to hope was Sarah Dwindleman, and this was due to her optimistic outlook. Unfortunately, she happens to be on the other side of the map, and it was Max’s choice to avoid all contact with her.

Protagonist #2: Sarah Dwindleman, a bright young lady with a distinct scar on her face. It’s a scar that is a reminder to the world that she is separate from the other girls. It’s also a scar that reminds her of Maxwell. Sarah now finds herself in Bible college to deal with the separation from Max, but finds out soon enough that her new environment is darker than her past was.

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